Embrace your dog's Wild Side

Adult Obedience

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!

We know things don't always go to plan, and this may have resulted in you missing the window to enrol in puppy classes - or maybe your dog joined your family when they were already an adult. This shouldn't mean that you or your dog  miss out on the magic of learning and growing together through training classes.

We'll cover all of the basics that are covered in puppy class such as sit, settle, stay, leave, recall and cover loose lead walking.


Please note: this is not a behavioural modification class and so specific problem behaviour are unlikely to be addressed as part of the course curriculum. Whilst we will always do our best to accommodate reactive/anxious dogs, acceptance on to the group course will be on a case-by-case basis. We can, however, offer the course on a 1-to-1 basis.

Please email for pricing and availability.

Trick Training

Have fun learning new tricks to impress your family and friends!

Obedience can be a powerful tool for bond-building, and it can also be super fun for both dog and handler.
We offer trick training classes where your dog will learn to jump through hoops, pivot on a target, fetch his own lead and even take a selfie with you!
We will also explore the different methods of training new behaviours, such as capturing, shaping and luring in more detail so that you can implement them yourself at home.


Please note: this is not a behavioural modification class and problem behaviours will not form part of the curriculum. 

Please contact for pricing and availability.